Flash Fiction: Revenge in 100 Words

After a brief hiatus (of two weeks) I’m back to taking part in Chuck Wendig’s Friday Flash Fiction competition. This week the challenge was to write a complete story (beginning, middle, end) with the theme of revenge. But instead of the usual 1000 words, we only have 100 words to play with. This story is just a bit of fun. Hope you enjoy!

Meta What

Greyson was ready to reveal his magnus opus. He stepped forward. The finest literary agents in New York sat and watched him take the stage.

“Welcome to my book launch,” Greyson said to his audience.

They didn’t speak. Their mouths were covered with tape.

They didn’t clap. Their hands were taped to their chairs.

“You may have rejected me, but I published my book anyway. It’s called: No More Gatekeepers.”

He started to read.

It was in chapter six that an agent broke free and beat him to death with his own book. No one likes meta fiction anymore.


Filed under Flash Fiction

24 responses to “Flash Fiction: Revenge in 100 Words

  1. Good one. That made me laugh.

  2. This is odd and fun! I’m not sure who was avenged.

  3. Okay, this really is great. It’s good as a story, sure – I loved “They didn’t speak. Their mouths were covered with tape.” But not as much as I loved all the layers of meta-ness, piling up to make my brain hurt. Rock on.

  4. Awesome! You should enter it into the 100 words or fewer contest! http://www.100wordsorfewerwritingcontest.com/

  5. Not sure I know what ‘meta fiction’ is…? (Eek!) but this was really good – punchy and made me chuckle too!
    Keep up the good work.

  6. Haha! Nice. Thanks for giving me a chuckle this morning!

  7. OK..that made me laugh. Glad I “found” you. Love that the agent got to pulverize him.

    The Rule of Three Writers Challenge

    Rule of Three Writing Blog Challenge: First Prompts & Amendment

  8. oldestgenxer

    writing about a writer writing meta on a writer’s blog? that’s so meta.

  9. Heh – that’s great. Some of my favourites in this challenge have been funny. The 100-word format seems to practically demand a punchline.

  10. 😀 I like it! Very funny.

  11. I love this. Imagine if all writers who were rejected did this. And imagine if all agents beat their writers with their own books D; There’d be none of us left!

  12. …and he beat him to death with his own book. Classic. I love that line.
    thanks for the laugh.

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